
Showing posts from August, 2020

Do Schools Kill Creativity? - Ken Robinson

Dear facilitators, Greetings. The research and Innovation team has a segment   WOW i.e. Watch Out Wednesday where you all will receive interesting articles on every Wednesday that will give you a glimpse of what is happening around the world, the unknown facts, stories or quizzes, tips and strategies on the learning environment. Hope you all will enjoy reading and getting enlightened.    Today's WOW is about creativity in an academic setup. What amount of creativity is necessary for an academic setup? Can it be measured? Let's watch a video in today' WOW about including creativity in education.    Do schools kill creativity? - Ken Robinson

Baamboozle (create fun interactive review games)

  Baamboozle   is a quick and easy-to-use tool for playing and creating games (Jeopardy-style game with powerup bonuses). It doesn't require registration to play. Choose the "Play games now" link to go to all games saved on   Baamboozle . Scroll through to view games, or search for a term. Divide the group into teams and begin play. Each team chooses a number from the game board and answers the question. Check for accuracy; then,   Baamboozle   keeps track of scores. Use games found on the site, or create games on any device. Registration with email is necessary to create your own games. IN THE CLASSROOM Save  Baamboozle  in your bag of tricks for a quick review of any content. Engage students by having them create games to share with the class when reviewing for quizzes and tests. Bring excitement to professional development by creating a  Baamboozle  with materials you are sharing. You can use the games to warm up, energize your c...

Virtual Escape Room team building tips

  In a traditional Escape Room, your group is locked in a room and your goal is to find and solve clues, so you can escape before time is up. The idea of Virtual Escape Room Team Building may seem impossible – how can your team escape a room together if you’re not actually together in the same room? Well, it turns out it IS possible virtually… Digital escape rooms also referred to as digital breakouts, are a great way to bring gameplay and problem solving to any lesson or unit. They can be an exciting and engaging activity for the whole class or as an option for early finishers.  During distance learning, there are a lot of teachers that are looking for creative ways to liven up their instruction. So many have been using Google forms for collecting data, for surveys, and even for tests.  There is a way to use Google Forms in a fun and interactive way! It can be paired with video conferencing software to promote teamwork!  A digital version of escape room co...

Kialo (a unique tool for teaching critical thinking)

  There are times when debates in our class turn into a full-fledged argument, some students get targeted and trolled or more than often it ends up in an ordeal with the group straying from the main topic of discussion. Haven't we all experienced this at some point? Well, your search for Holy Grail ends here! It's time to  turn online shouting into an enlightened debate.  Kialo is a troll-free zone for  structuring student discussion and debate . It is a digital debate platform for civic and political topics and prides itself on being a “noise-free” forum for individuals to voice their opinions. In an age of pervasive social media, Kialo promises a more visually rich and rational platform to host complex conversations that put reason at the heart of the debate. Users may either join an existing discussion or create their own topics. Existing topics range from ethics to education, to economics. The website shows trending topics––thos...